Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are You Opening Your Gifts?

beautifully wrapped gifts from AymiImage by susansimon via Flickr
Have you ever had someone give you a gift, something wrapped in gorgeous paper, tied up with a lovely bow?   Did you shake it, turn it this way and that to try and figure out what it was?  Did you thank the person who gave it to you and then tell them you were going to open it someday, not today... but someday.  Did you put the gift away, forget about it and then eventually forget that you even had the gift at all?  Of course not,  gifts are too special to neglect them that way.

It's the time of year when people talk a lot about plans, resolutions and goals for the upcoming year.  This comes up quite a bit in the groups that I'm a part of and I'd say about 98% of the people I talk to tell me that they have no plans or goals for the upcoming year.  Why not?  Here's what I hear:

    Jim-rohn-PASSES-AWAYImage via Wikipedia
    Jim Rohn
  1. They know they won't do them anyway so what's the point?
  2. They want to leave themselves open to whatever God or the Universe has in store for them.
  3. They had a plan once... way too much work involved!
When we look at goals this way, we're mistakenly thinking that we're only hurting ourselves by not living more intentionally.  In reality, we cheat not only ourselves but those who would benefit from us  opening  and using our gifts to make a difference in the world.  We live a life that is ordinary, not extraordinary, average not excellent.  Are you opening your gifts today?

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.  And guess what they have planned for you?  Not much...
Jim Rohn

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