Monday, December 23, 2013

My One Word for 2013 - Get codes for Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and more

It's the end of the year and I have a quick little test for you. Don't you just love pop quizzes?

When I think about 2013 and my plans for 2014, I am...
a.  Not setting goals.  They never worked before and it is a waste of my time.
b.  Evaluating my past year and not only setting new goals but focusing on the baby steps necessary to get there.
c.  Feeling totally overwhelmed.  I'm not sure what I accomplished last year and what do I want to accomplish next year????  Maybe I'll just take a nap and think about it later.

During the holiday I'm
a.  Kicking back and sleeping in, over-eating and over-spending.  After all that's what holidays are for, right?
b.  Holiday?  What holiday?  I'm keeping my nose to the grindstone.  Holidays are just like regular work days, except now I'm also exhausted from cooking, shopping, cleaning...
c.  Enjoying some time off with family and friends.  I have a system in place and know the steps I need to take each day to keep things running smoothly.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

This time of year, people love to ask you, "Are you ready for the holidays?" Trying to do it all can be exhausting.  I know.  This is especially true for women.  We're trying to energize and renew relationships, honor family and spiritual traditions and work a job or run a business.  We're trying to balance all those spinning plates in the air and cringing everytime we hear one crash.

Distractions are everywhere; elaborate Pinterest style decorating,  shopping for the perfect gift for everyone and attending every holiday extravaganza or event. As we are pulled in every direction, finding time to connect with family and friends in meaningful ways is a challenge.

My One Word for 2013

There are lots of ways to bring calm and order to the chaos.  One way is to create focus. In 2013, I created focus by picking one word to define my year. It is a touchstone.  A light to guide you.  An intention to redirect you. 

My one word was joy.  It came to me quite spontaneously as I was setting goals and planning my upcoming year.  I felt I had survived two previous years of great change, loss and family upheaval.  I was truly ready for a new focus and beginning. 

How did this word influence my year?  It gave me something to look for, thus creating focus for my mind.  It also gave me something to intentionally create.  As I made plans, I made sure that joy was a part of each goal.  I planned celebrations and get togethers with friends and family.  I even looked for and found joy in sadness and disappointment. I saw the word everywhere I turned;  in my daily devotional, signs along the road and in conversation with others. It was a constant reminder of my focus for the year. I can truly say that focusing on that one word made a huge difference in my life. 

My One Word for 2014

As I move into the new year, I'm already planning for my one word that will guide me forward.  Again the word came to me quite spontaneously: adventure.  How will this happen?  As I set the intention for 2014, the word adventure will be a reminder to incorporate the spirit of adventure in everything that I do.  It seems the perfect word for a year in which I plan to retire from a 21 year career of school counseling in order to move forward with my other interests of writing and speaking. 

What about you?  How will you create focus for the upcoming year?  What will your one word be for 2014? 

Want to develop your focus?  Change your world?  Join the Called Woman network at

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  1. Love your word, Lynne. Life is so much better when we see it as an adventure and let it be that. My one word is PURGE! ...just because I want to see myself enjoy more things by having fewer I don't need to take care of. This includes getting my inbox as well as my office, home, life and direction in "cleaner shape" with less clutter. Happy New Year! Wishing you an amazing adventure.

  2. Hello Kathy, Purge reminds me of my neighbor who tells me her one word (for the second year running) is LESS. Love the idea of less clutter, mentally as well as physically :) Many blessings in the New Year!
