Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dave Ramsey aka Flat Dave

I'm not sure if my Sunday School class was trying to tell me something today but when I arrived in class, I found a laminated picture of Dave Ramsey sitting in my usual chair. Well, actually, he was standing in the chair but it was a surprise none the less. It's true I guess that there are not many opportunities that pass by without me mentioning Dave and his get out of debt plan or his budgeting or winning financially. Sometimes I'm not sure what I talked about before I got involved in the Financial Peace University that our church runs. This is my third time being involved as a facilitator and I'm as excited about each class now as I was the first time I attended. I still watch every video with rapt attention and laugh at the jokes as though I heard them for the first time.
My class had a lot of suggestions about what to do with the laminated picture of Dave. Probably the best one was that we rename him Flat Dave and like Flat Stanley mail him all over the world taking pictures of him in various locations. I think this is an excellent idea, maybe with the added comment of how the individual he is with is using his program, getting out of debt and changing their family tree. Or maybe it could be an opportunity to proclaim, "I'm debt free!" and have a virtual Dave in the picture. Let me give this some thought...maybe this is the opening I've been looking for to join Dave's team and combine my traveling goals at the same never know what doors God may open with a crazy thing like Flat Dave.

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