Sunday, January 8, 2012

Guest Post By Martha Orlando: Why Do You Write?

WritingImage by jjpacres via FlickrIt has been interesting to hear from other writers how and why they write.  I asked Martha Orlando who writes Martha's Daily Devotion,  if she would like to  write a post on my blog about why and how she writes.  Here's her inspiring post:

For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.
~Colossians 1:29 (NRSV)

Writing brings me such joy and satisfaction.

Writing for others, as I do with my devotions, takes that joy and satisfaction to immeasurable heights.

Do I write because I have a gift for it? Yes. To not acknowledge and act upon a talent the Lord has given me would be to deny Him and His desires for my life.

Is it easy for me? Yes, and no. Sometimes, the words literally fly off the keyboard. Other times, I pause. I ponder. I pace. I pray for inspiration.

It always comes . . . I've learned, on those days, to have patience with myself. To rest in God's timing.

Do I write every day? No. Because there are holidays, errands, events, and obligations which demand my time and attention.

So, in crafting my daily devotions, I stay a week to ten days ahead of the scheduled posting date. That way, I am prepared when expected, or unexpected, interruptions occur.

Do I always feel “up to it” when I sit down at the computer? Heavens, no! But, I remember His commission to me. I recall His promise.

To stay by my side. As I read the scripture. Choose a verse. Meditate upon it.

And, allow Him to show me the story He wants me to tell.

He hasn't failed me. Not once.

And, I know He never will . . .

He is within my soul. He is my inspiration.

When I toil, He shares my burden.

When I struggle, He takes me in His arms . . .

It has been said that writing is one of the most lonely of professions.

I don't buy it.

For, I am never alone.

My Jesus is with me always . . .


When do you feel the closest to the Lord?

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for the gifts and talents you have given to us. Help us to use them for Your honor and glory. Let us ever feel your comforting presence in our lives, guiding, showing, teaching. Be our inspiration! Amen.

Thank you Martha!  Here's my progress for Week Three:
Pages: 80
Words:  15, 330
Inspiration from Martha:  Priceless!

1 comment:

  1. Martha... when you feel the words within they flow..... You have that and I do enjoy how you weave life events into your writings.
