Sunday, March 21, 2010

Are You A 3% Wannabe?

Another stimulating and enlightening discussion in our 48 days class tonight!  The topic was goals and I have written a lot about goals in previous blogs.  If you want to hear the amazing thing that happened when we were discussing goals in the previous class, go back and read my post from October 9, 2009 about Setting Goals and Cycling at the Gym. 

We all agreed that goal setting is challenging but necessary.  So what keeps us from setting goals?  Goals make us vulnerable.  It means taking a stand and letting others know what we are about.  It means setting the stage for success or failure.  It means being decisive.  It means taking action even when you aren't positive that it is the right action.  There are certainly many obstacles to goal setting, but as Betsy shared in the study of business school graduates, there are some very good reasons to overcome those obstacles and do it anyway. Those graduates who set goals had a higher income than those who didn't set goals and the 3% who not only set goals but WROTE THEM DOWN made the highest income of all. 

Here are a few suggestions for goalsetting:  Pick two or three of your primary goals and WRITE THEM DOWN EVERYDAY in your dream journal.  Write them in the PRESENT TENSE.  Make a list of everything that you can think of that you need to do to accomplish your goals.  Prioritize the list into a plan. Do something everyday to  move closer to accomplishing your goal.  So, do you want to BE in that 3%?  Or are you just a 3% wannabe?

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